Taiwan’s Top Scoliosis Clinic

Now, can you see that he has scoliosis?

這是一位來自台南 23 歲 S 型脊椎側彎男孩,經過挺立康 4D 初階療程 後。腰線變得更對稱,骨盆、肋骨的狀況也得到改善!

Now, can you see that he has scoliosis?

This is a 23-year-old boy with S-type scoliosis from Tainan. After the basic treatment program of the UprightCome 4D concept, the waistline becomes more symmetrical, the pelvis, rib also were be improved!

Dear friend, when finding the right way, your efforts will be meaningful. According to the progression risk and demand of each case, we give different treatment plans and professional evaluations. The Little Things Make a Big Difference! You can come here to know it!